moments of indecision
tended to be those
most pregnant with possibility
and hence were often
the most lucid
his home was many
and none
the most critical questions
he answered
not intellectually
but with his actions
or more importantly his inaction
then there were those stretches
sometimes days or weeks
when though still vivid
all seemed muffled
by the weight of the familiar
thoughts too had their forensic use:
to delicately dust for clues
of a missing self
tainted by the sun
he caught a glimpse
of what fed his sight
he thread his way
between the unacceptable
and the impossible
yet drove headlong into...
his life being a form of crude
via negativa,
it was only through pain that he learned
not to confuse the abyss of the wound
with selflessness.
one day
while out taking a stroll
he paused midstride
his breath apparently suspended
after what seemed a brief dispersal
he resumed his saunter
noting with typical lack of concern
that the unremarkable
often had such an effect
he lived alone yet
more and more often
he found himself walking
across a room
or down the hall
as quietly as possible
and often on tiptoe
though prone to such shortcomings
he hoped to never again confuse
inexcusable with the
exhausted by the mundane
one merely had to settle
into the banal
there were days too
when nothing needed to be said
when the game was simply
to watch the petals fall
Just so you know...
all images and text © Michael Tweed